Acts 4:23-31 Speaking His Word with Boldness

Acts 4:23-31       Speaking His Word with Boldness

When push-came-to-shove, their backs-were-against-the-wall, and the-heat-was-on, what did the apostles and other believers do?

(1) They gathered together as a body of believers—the church. They did not forsake the assembling of themselves together but fortified all the more for encouragement, strength, mutual support, and friendship.

(2) They began to pray corporately. There was no second-guessing what they should do. There was no debate or discussion of how to respond. The believers immediately began to pray together—to cry out to God.

(3) They turned to Scripture for answers, for understanding, for God’s will.

(4) They asked for God to give them boldness of speech. They did not hunker-down and hideout. They wanted all the more to speak the truth of Christ.

(5) They asked for God to work healings, signs, and wonders.

(***) We know that we can take this as an example of what to do in the midst of pressure and persecution because God looked favorably upon their prayers by validating it with the shaking of the place and by answering them by sending the Holy Spirit afresh to embolden them to speak the word of God.