February 13, 2019
Key Values for Ministry
#1 Biblical (2 Timothy 3:14-17)
The foundational statement that should be made is that my vision for ministry is biblical. I believe that the 66 books of the Christian Scriptures are the uniquely inspired word of God. They are all believers need for things concerning life, faith, and salvation. With such a high view of Scripture, I am led to study, teach, and preach the Bible with great dedication. Each time I approach the pulpit, I do so with one goal in mind: to help God’s people better understand His holy word. Our preaching/teaching, worship, and various ministries should be solidly based upon the Scriptures.
#2 Christ-Centered (1 Corinthians 2:1-2)
Second, ministry should be Christ-centered. If we truly believe what the Scriptures teach, that Christ has died for sin once for all, then why would we bother with anything else? He should be treasured above all else because He has done what we could not. He has saved us from our sins, from this present wicked age, and from the wrath to come. We should want to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am thoroughly convinced that the entire Old Testament points forward to Jesus Christ. He is the fulfillment of all of what God said in time past. The Old Testament was bringing us to Him in due time. The New Testament, then, expounds upon the person and work of Jesus Christ while explaining how that directly and indirectly effects us. Therefore, Christ is at the center of all the holy writings, and He should be at the very heart of all that we do in our ministries.
#3 Grace-Oriented (Romans 6:14)
The previous point leads to the next: ministry should be grace-oriented. God has extended love, mercy, and grace to us. We should do the same for one another and for those outside the household of faith. If our holy Father is willing to forgive us of our sin against Him, then we must be willing to forgive one another. A ministry/pastorate/congregation that is grace-oriented is quick to listen and slow to speak. It is quick to forgive and slow to wrath. It forgets those things which are behind and reaches forward to those things which are ahead. To be grace-oriented is to create an atmosphere in the public worship times. It is to create an atmosphere of grace in our meetings, events, ministries, and all the like. When outsiders come into our gatherings, they should quickly realize that they have come into a place where they can rest.
#4 Team Ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16)
The vision I have for ministry is simple. I believe that the pastor is charged with preparing his congregation for the work of the ministry and for building them up in the Lord. This is, after all, the biblical pattern. Thus, ministry is a group endeavor. We are to serve one another and those who are in need. We are to worship together, bear one another’s burdens, have the same mind, and together pursue holiness in Christ. I believe in an every-member-ministry (as cliche as that sounds). We must work together in our mission to make disciples of all the nations. Every part must do its share.
#5 Open-Mindedness (Revelation 5:8-10)
The last thing I will say is that I believe ministry should be open-minded. We should exhibit this value in many areas of the ministry, but especially in the area of racial and ethnic harmony. We cannot be a respecter of persons when it comes to the task of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with unbelievers or within the household of faith. We are not to hold the faith of our Lord with partiality. God loves the world. Christ died for all. We are to make disciples of all the nations. Right now, God is saving people all over this planet. We must see all people for who they are, image bearers of our great God. I will fellowship with and minister to anyone that I come in contact with that is willing to have a conversation with me!