What is a Christian Church?

A Summary of the Sermon: What is a Christian Church?

1. A church that belongs to Christ.

2. A Great Commission people.

3. A group of people baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

4. A group of people who as the Body of Christ are under the Headship of Christ and are members of one another.

5. A group who honors the Lord’s Day every week with a gathering to worship the Triune God. Lord’s Supper, biblical teaching, prayer, singing, and fellowship.

6. A group of people who honor the Scriptures as God’s Word and seek to live out New Testament Christianity.

7. A holy temple with Christ as the Chief Cornerstone, the apostles as the foundation, and the people as living stones built together.

8. A church rooted in history and tradition passed down from the apostles through every generation.

9. The pillar and ground of the truth.

Conclusion. The Christian Church is the universal people of God who are united with Jesus Christ. A Christian Church, to speak of specific, historical traditions and the heritage of this congregation, is one marked by an intention to be as biblical as possible. We seek to unite around Christ himself and around the Scriptures rather than anything else. Historically, our tradition was a back to the Bible movement born in the late 1700s in America. In that effort, we have tried to preach the Gospel the way it was delivered in the New Testament; we have renewed a high view of baptism and the work of God in it; we have emphasized the importance of weekly communion around the Lord’s Table; we restored the plurality of elders in every local church; and we have sought to root assurance of salvation not in emotional or sensational experiences but in the New Testament Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can be assured that you are saved and belong to the Lord if you have heard the Gospel, believed it, repented of your sins, and been baptized all according to the Scriptures. Assurance of salvation rests in Christ alone and not in ourselves or our experiences.

Now, the final encouragement to you today is three-fold: (1) Gain a richer and deeper appreciation for the Church of God; (2) Join the Church as a member united with Christ and in connection to the other members of the Body; and (3) Become a great supporter, defender, and lover of the Church.

For an explanation of each item, listen to the full sermon here: